2-pack HS premium surfacer
Guaranteed shelf life is 24 months from date of production.
♦ 2-pack HS Premium surfacer, light grey LGF 013 007 A4
♦ 2-pack HS Premium surfacer, white LGF 013 100 A4
♦ 2-pack HS Premium surfacer, black LGF 013 190 A4
♦ 2-pack HS Premium surfacer, dark grey LVM 013 171 A4
Can be processed on or before date indicated on label if stored in unopened, original containers at +20°C.
VOC value
Viscosity as suppliedThixotropicFlash pointabove +23°CVOC content:
2004/42/IIB (c) (540) 540The EU limit value for this product (product
category IIB.b) in ready-to-spray form is max. 540 g/l of volatile
organic compounds. The VOC content of this product in ready-to-spray
form is max. 540 g/l.
Coverage was calculated on the basis of the recommended coat thickness and the percentage by volume of non-volatile material without added thinner.
The respective loss during application was not taken into account.
2-pack HS Premium surfacer is a very high-grade 2-pack HS sanding surfacer based on acrylic resins.
♦ Very long processing time
♦ Optimal, reliable application properties
♦ Excellent sanding properties
♦ Excellent vertical stability
♦ Very high coverage
♦ Excellent filling power
♦ Outstanding top coat flow
Suitable substrates
♦ Sheet steel, electroplated or roller galvanised sheet steel or soft aluminium, cleaned, sanded and coated with 2-pack wash primer LHV 043 000 A2 or 1-pack wash primer LVM 044 007/171 A2, only for small sand-through areas
♦ Finely sanded or unsanded, thoroughly cleaned, original factory primer
♦ Lightly sanded factory paint or old paint, including thermoplastic paint
♦ Surfaces prepared with 2-pack polyester products and then finely sanded
♦ Cleaned and sanded UP-GF (fibreglass) surfaces, free of release agents
Substrate pretreatment
– Thoroughly clean using silicone remover LVM 020 000 A5 or slow-drying silicone remover LVM 020 100 A5.
– Lightly sand substrates.
– Use suitable cleaning agents for cleaning substrates to make sure that soiling and residue is removed completely.
Mixing ratio
Mixing ratio by volume of 4:1 with:
♦ 2-pack HS hardener LHA 009 041 A3
♦ LHA 021 004 A3 2K, express hardener
♦ 2-pack HS hardener, extra-fast-drying LHA 009 046 A2
♦ 2K HS hardener, slow-drying LHA 009 047 A3
♦ 2K HS hardener, extra slow-drying LHA 009 048 A3
Mixing ratio by volume of 7:1 with:
♦ 2-pack VHS hardener, fast-drying LHA 009 050 A2
♦ 2-pack VHS hardener LHA 009 051 A2/LVM 009 051 A5
♦ 2-pack VHS hardener, slow-drying, LHA 009 052 A2/LHA 009 052 A3
♦ 2-pack VHS hardener, extra slow-drying LHA 009 053 A2
♦ 2-pack VHS Performance hardener LVM 009 038 A2
♦ 2-pack VHS Performance hardener, slow-drying LVM 009 039 A2
Application time/pot life:
– Observe period of 90 to 120 minutes at +20°C until ready for spraying, depending on the hardener used and thinner added.
♦ 2-pack thinner LVE 009 001 A5
♦ 2-pack thinner, slow-drying LVM 009 300 A2
♦ 2-pack thinner, plus LHA 014 000 A5
♦ 2-pack special thinner LVM 009 200 A2/A5
– Proceed with method of application: spray.
Application viscosity
– Observe application viscosity of 4 mm at +20°C acc. to DIN 53211.
Application viscosity 4 mm, gravity-feed spray gun “Compliant” and “HVLP”.
– Add 10% VHS hardener at material temperature of +20°C.
No HS hardener must be added. However, up to 10% are possible.
● If thinner is added, use measuring stick to mix.
Spray nozzle and spraying pressure
– Adjust spray nozzle and spraying pressure according to manufacturer’s specifications.
Spray nozzleSpraying pressureAtomising pressureCompliant1.4 to 1.71.8 to 2.2 bar HVLP1.4 to 1.7 0.7 bar
– Apply 3 spray passes (with intermediate flash-off time) to achieve the recommended dry-film thickness of 80 to 300 µm.
♦ The maximum dry-film thickness for air drying is 300 μm.
♦ The maximum dry-film thickness for force drying is 250 μm.
♦ The maximum dry-film thickness for IR drying (white or light grey) is 200 μm.
♦ The maximum dry-film thickness for IR drying (black) is 180 μm.
♦ Recommended dry-film thickness is 80 to 200 µm.
2-pack HS Premium surfacer can be sanded after 3 to 4 hours.
♦ Layer thickness of 80 to 150 µm
♦ Air drying at +20℃ ambient temperature
If layer thicknesses of 150 to 250 μm were applied, dry overnight and then sand.
Final flash-off time with forced drying is reached once the surface has a matt finish.
Force drying at +60 to 65°C material temperature: 30 to 40 minutes for 80 to 150 µm, and 40 minutes for 150 to 250 µm.
Infrared drying using short-wave radiant heater, depending on film thickness: 5 minutes at 50% output and 15 minutes at 100% output.
– Dry-sand using orbital sander, P360 to P500 grit dry sandpaper and dust collector.
– Or lightly sand wet using water-resistant P800 to P 1000 grit sandpaper.
Further steps
Can be painted over with:
♦ Waterborne base coat and 2-pack HS clear coat
♦ 2-pack HS top coat
Plasticizing for rigid and semi-rigid plastics:
– First mix the base material with 15% of 2-pack plasticiser additive ALZ 011 001.
– Mix with mixing ratio of 3:1 with HS hardeners and without thinner.
– Mix with mixing ratio of 4:1 with VHS hardeners and 5 % thinner.
– Touch up flaws in the substrate with 2-pack polyester filler.
– After drying and intermediate sanding, isolate the filler patches with 2-pack HS Performance surfacer.
– The best insulation, even on critical substrates, is obtained with a with a medium film thickness of 80 to 120 µm in 2 spray passes and either air drying overnight, force drying or infrared drying.
– With problem substrates, careful pretreatment is imperative, and the surfacer must be applied to the entire surface.
2-pack HS Performance surfacer
Guaranteed shelf life is:
♦ 2-pack HS Performance surfacer LVM 014 ... 24 months from date of manufacture.
♦ 2-pack VHS Performance hardener LVM 009 038 A2 ... 12 months from date of manufacture.
♦ 2-pack VHS Performance hardener, slow-drying LVM 009 039 A2 ... 36 months from date of manufacture.
Can be processed on or before date indicated on label if stored in unopened, original containers at +20°C.
VOC value
Viscosity as suppliedThixotropicFlash pointabove +23°CVOC content:
2004/42/IIB (c) (540) 540The EU limit value for this product (product
category IIB.b) in ready-to-spray form is max. 540 g/l of volatile
organic compounds. The VOC content of this product in ready-to-spray
form is max. 540 g/l.
Coverage was calculated on the basis of the recommended coat thickness and the percentage by volume of non-volatile material without added thinner.
The respective loss during application was not taken into account.
2- pack HS Performance surfacer LVM 014 ... Is a very high-grade 2-pack HS sanding surfacer based on acrylic resins.
♦ Fast-drying
♦ Very good spraying properties
♦ Excellent vertical stability
♦ Very easy to sand
♦ High non-volatile content results in very good coverage
Suitable substrates
♦ Sheet steel, electroplated or roller galvanised sheet steel or soft aluminium, cleaned, sanded and coated with 2-pack wash primer LHV 043 000 A2 or 1-pack wash primer LVM 044 ... A2, only for small sand-through areas.
♦ Finely sanded or unsanded, thoroughly cleaned, original factory primer.
♦ Lightly sanded factory paint or old paint, except for thermoplastic acrylics.
♦ Surfaces prepared with 2-pack polyester products and then finely sanded.
♦ Cleaned and sanded UP-GF (fibreglass) surfaces, free of release agents.
Substrate pretreatment
– Thoroughly clean using silicone remover LVM 020 000 A5 or slow-drying silicone remover LVM 020 100 A5.
– Lightly sand substrates.
– Use suitable cleaning agents for cleaning substrates to make sure that soiling and residue is removed completely.
It is recommended to stir 2-pack HS Performance surfacer LVM 014 ... in a mixing unit.
● Observe country-specific explosion protection regulations.
– Prepare mixing ratio by volume of 5:1 with:
♦ 2-pack VHS Performance hardener LVM 009 038 A2
♦ 2-pack VHS Performance hardener, slow-drying LVM 009 039 A2
♦ For very high technical durability
Mixing by weight is possible with the help of Wizard Plus.
Application time/pot life:
– Observe period of 90 to 120 minutes at +20°C until ready for spraying, depending on the hardener used and thinner added.
♦ 2-pack thinner LVE 009 001 A5
♦ 2-pack thinner, slow-drying LVM 009 300 A2
♦ 2-pack thinner, plus LHA 014 000 A5
♦ 2-pack special thinner LVM 009 200 ...
– Proceed with method of application: spray.
– Add 10 to 15% thinner at a material temperature of +20°C.
● If thinner is added, use measuring stick to mix.
Application viscosity
– Observe application viscosity of 4 mm at +20°C acc. to DIN 53211.
Application viscosity 4 mm, gravity-feed spray gun “Compliant” and “HVLP”.
Spray nozzle and spraying pressure
– Adjust spray nozzle and spraying pressure according to manufacturer’s specifications.
Spray nozzleSpraying pressureAtomising pressureCompliant1.6 to 1.81.5 to 2.0 bar HVLP1.7 to 1.9 0.7 bar
– Apply 1 to 3 spray passes (with intermediate flash-off time) to achieve the recommended dry-film thickness of 60 to 250 µm.
2-pack HS Performance surfacer can be sanded after 2 to 3 hours.
♦ Layer thickness of 60 to 150 µm
♦ Air drying at +20℃ ambient temperature
If layer thicknesses of 150 to 250 μm were applied, dry overnight and then sand.
Final flash-off time with force drying is at least 5 to 15 minutes.
Force drying at 60 to 65°C material temperature: 15 to 20 minutes for 60 to 150 µm.
Force drying at 60 to 65°C material temperature: 25 minutes for 150 to 250 µm.
Final flash-off time with infrared drying is at least 5 to 10 minutes.
Drying time for 60 to 250 μm with short-wave radiator is 10 minutes. Of which:
♦ 2 minutes at 70°C
♦ 8 minutes at max. 90°C
Use of 2-pack HS Performance surfacer under filler
– Proceed with method of application: spray.
– Apply 1 to 2 spray passes (with intermediate flash-off time) to achieve the recommended dry-film thickness of 120 µm max.
– Drying time at +60 °C material temperature, 120 μm max., 45 minutes.
– Observe drying time.
Drying time for max.120 μm with short-wave radiator is 17 minutes. Of which:
♦ 2 minutes at 70°C
♦ 15 minutes at max. 90°C
– After drying, dry-sand surfacer by hand using P180 to P220 grit sandpaper.
– Dry-sand using orbital sander, P400 to P600 grit dry sandpaper and dust collector.
– Or wet-sand using water-resistant P800 to P 1000 grit sandpaper.
Further steps
Can be painted over with:
♦ Waterborne base coat and 2-pack HS clear coat
♦ 2-pack HS top coat
Plasticizing for rigid and semi-rigid plastics:
– First mix the base material with 15% of 2-pack plasticiser additive ALZ 011 001.
– Mix with mixing ratio of 4:1 with VHS performance hardeners and 10% thinner.
– Touch up flaws in the substrate with 2-pack polyester filler.
– After drying and intermediate sanding, isolate the filler patches with 2-pack HS Performance surfacer.
– The best insulation, even on critical substrates, is obtained with a with a medium film thickness of 80 to 120 µm in 2 spray passes and either air drying overnight, force drying or infrared drying.
– With problem substrates, careful pretreatment is imperative, and the surfacer must be applied to the entire surface.
– Air-dry at a minimum temperature of +15°C.
2-pack HS wet-on-wet surfacer
Guaranteed shelf life is 24 months from date of production.
Can be processed on or before date indicated on label if stored in unopened, original containers at +20°C.
Product description
2- pack HS wet-on-wet surfacer LVM 013 ...is a universally applicable High Solid surfacer for efficiently painting passenger vehicles in line with their current market value.
♦ Suitable for all common plastic substrates on passenger vehicles.
♦ Can be used as a wet-on-wet surfacer and sanding surfacer.
♦ Quickly and universally recoatable with waterborne base coats/top coats (wet-on-wet).
♦ Provides a very good coverage.
♦ Available colours: light grey and black.
Preparing product
♦ 2-pack HS wet-on-wet surfacer should have room temperature of 18 to 25°C before use.
♦ Allow for additional time to bring up to temperature.
♦ Wash primer must be applied to bare sheet steel, galvanised sheet steel and soft aluminium.
♦ An IR radiant heater is not permitted with the use of wash primers.
♦ Surfacer can also be used in the plasticised setting on adjacent substrates that are not made of plastic.
♦ For air drying we recommend a minimum temperature of +15°C.
♦ Do not pour excess, ready-to-use 2-pack HS wet-on-wet surfacer back into the original container.
♦ It is not necessary to add 2-pack plasticiser additive ALZ 011 001.
♦ Wet-on-wet surfacer with 2-pack wash primer applied beforehand is suitable for use on sanded-through areas before further recoating with 2-pack spray filler ALN 788 007 or 2-pack polyester filler DA 787 300 A2.
♦ Earliest overpainting possible with mixture 3:1 with 2-pack extra-fast-drying hardener LHA 009 046 + 20% thinner. Even when using this hardener, the flash-off time before overpainting with polyester products must not be less than 30 to 40 minutes at 20°C.
Suitable substrates for processing STANDARD WET-ON-WET VHS and STANDARD WET-ON-WET HS
♦ Cleaned and sanded sheet steel, electroplated or roller galvanised sheet steel or soft aluminium, primed with 2-pack wash primer LHV 043 000 A2.
♦ Fine or non-sanded, thoroughly cleaned, original factory cathodic dip primer.
♦ Well sanded and cleaned old paint or factory paint.
♦ Surfaces prepared with 2-pack polyester products and then finely sanded and cleaned.
♦ Glass-fibre reinforced polyester substrates, free of release agents, sanded and cleaned.
Given the wide range of cathodic dip paints on the market, there are great differences in quality. For this reason, it is advisable to sand the cathodic dip paint.
Suitable substrates for processing STANDARD PLASTIC VHS and STANDARD PLASTIC HS
♦ Repairs to cleaned and sanded external plastic parts of passenger vehicles.
● For non-factory primed plastic parts, e.g. from Skoda, the primer LVM 823 000 A2 must be applied first.
Preparing product for processing STANDARD WET-ON-WET VHS
This product mixture does not fall within the scope of the VOC directive.
VOC content: 2004/42/ IIB(c) (540) 540The EU limit value for this
product (product category IIB.c) in ready-to-spray form is max. 540 g/l
of volatile organic compounds. The VOC content of this product in
ready-to-spray form is max. 540 g/l.
– Glass-fibre reinforced polyester substrates must be free of release agents, sanded and cleaned.
– Observe mixing ratio:
SurfacerHardenerThinnerVol.WeightVol.WeightVol.Weight310012020%142-pack HS wet-on-wet surfacer, light grey
LVM 013 008 A4
2-pack HS wet-on-wet surfacer, black
LVM 013 905 A42-pack VHS hardener
LHA 009 050/051/052/053
2-pack VHS performance hardener
LVM 009 038
2-pack VHS performance hardener, slow-drying
LVM 009 0392-pack thinner
LVE 009 001
2-pack special thinner
LVM 009 200
2-pack thinner, slow-drying
LVM 009 300
– Observe processing time of 45 to 90 minutes at 20°C.
– Adjust spray nozzle and spraying pressure according to manufacturer’s specifications.
Spray nozzleSpraying pressureAtomising pressureCompliant1.3 to 1.41.5 to 2.0 bar HVLP1.3 to 1.4 0.7 bar
– Carry out 1 to 2 spray passes.
– Flash-off time: 15 minutes to 8 hours.
Preparing product for processing STANDARD WET-ON-WET HS
VOC content: 2004/42/ IIB(c) (540) 540The EU limit value for this
product (product category IIB.c) in ready-to-spray form is max. 540 g/l
of volatile organic compounds. The VOC content of this product in
ready-to-spray form is max. 540 g/l.
– Glass-fibre reinforced polyester substrates must be free of release agents, sanded and cleaned.
– Observe mixing ratio:
SurfacerHardenerThinnerVol.WeightVol.WeightVol.Weight310012020%142-pack HS wet-on-wet surfacer, light grey
LVM 013 008 A4
2-pack HS wet-on-wet surfacer, black
LVM 013 905 A42-pack HS hardener, extra fast-drying
LHA 009 046
2-pack HS hardener, fast-drying
LHA 021 004
2-pack HS hardener
LHA 009 041
2-pack HS hardener, slow-drying
LHA 009 047
2-pack HS hardener, extra slow-drying
LHA 009 0482-pack thinner
LVE 009 001
2-pack special thinner
LVM 009 200
2-pack thinner, slow-drying
LVM 009 300
– Observe processing time of 45 to 90 minutes at 20°C.
– Adjust spray nozzle and spraying pressure according to manufacturer’s specifications.
Spray nozzleSpraying pressureAtomising pressureCompliant1.3 to 1.41.5 to 2.0 bar HVLP1.3 to 1.4 0.7 bar
– Carry out 1 to 2 spray passes.
– Flash-off time: 15 minutes to 8 hours.
Preparing product for processing method STANDARD PLASTIC VHS
– Anneal new plastic parts for the exterior of vehicles at 60 to 65°C for 60 minutes.
– For pre-cleaning, use an ultra-fine emery pad soaked in slow-drying silicone remover LVM 020 100.
– For subsequent cleaning, use a cloth moistened with slow-drying silicone remover LVM 020 100.
– Wipe the surface to loosen and remove any contamination. Immediately wipe with a clean cloth.
– Change cloths often. Do not use dirty cloths.
– Observe mixing ratio:
to 10%3 to 72-pack HS wet-on-wet surfacer, light grey
LVM 013 008 A4
2-pack HS wet-on-wet surfacer, black
LVM 013 905 A42-pack VHS hardener
LHA 009 050/051/052/053
2-pack VHS performance hardener
LVM 009 038
2-pack VHS performance hardener, slow-drying
LVM 009 039Plastic additive
LVM 035 1202-pack thinner, special
LVM 009 200*
2-pack thinner, slow
LVM 009 300**Add 0 to 10% LVM 009 200/300 if necessary
– Observe processing time of 45 to 90 minutes at 20°C.
– Adjust spray nozzle and spraying pressure according to manufacturer’s specifications.
Spray nozzleSpraying pressureAtomising pressureCompliant1.3 to 1.41.5 to 2.0 bar HVLP1.3 to 1.4 0.7 bar
– Carry out 1 to 2 spray passes.
– Flash-off time: 15 minutes to 8 hours.
This product mixture does not fall within the scope of the VOC directive.
Preparing product for processing method STANDARD PLASTIC HS
– Anneal new plastic parts for the exterior of vehicles at 60 to 65°C for 60 minutes.
– For pre-cleaning, use an ultra-fine emery pad soaked in slow-drying silicone remover LVM 020 100.
– For subsequent cleaning, use a cloth moistened with slow-drying silicone remover LVM 020 100.
– Wipe the surface to loosen and remove any contamination. Immediately wipe with a clean cloth.
– Change cloths often. Do not use dirty cloths.
– Observe mixing ratio:
to 10%4 to 72-pack HS wet-on-wet surfacer, light grey
LVM 013 008 A4
2-pack HS wet-on-wet surfacer, black
LVM 013 905 A42-pack HS hardener, extra fast-drying
LHA 009 046
2-pack HS hardener, fast-drying
LHA 021 004
2-pack HS hardener
LHA 009 041
2-pack HS hardener, slow-drying
LHA 009 047
2-pack HS hardener, extra slow-drying
LHA 009 048Plastic additive
LVM 035 1202-pack thinner, special
LVM 009 200*
2-pack thinner, slow
LVM 009 300**Add 0 to 10% LVM 009 200/300 if necessary
– Observe processing time of 45 to 90 minutes at 20°C.
– Adjust spray nozzle and spraying pressure according to manufacturer’s specifications.
Spray nozzleSpraying pressureAtomising pressureCompliant1.3 to 1.41.5 to 2.0 bar HVLP1.3 to 1.4 0.7 bar
– Carry out 1 to 2 spray passes.
– Flash-off time: 15 minutes to 8 hours.
This product mixture does not fall within the scope of the VOC directive.
Product mix
♦ 2-pack HS wet-on-wet surfacer LVM 013 008/905
♦ 2-pack HS hardener, extra-fast-drying LHA 009 046
♦ 2-pack HS hardener, fast-drying LHA 021 004
♦ 2-pack HS hardener LHA 009 041
♦ 2K HS hardener, slow-drying LHA 009 047
♦ 2-pack HS hardener, extra slow-drying LHA 009 048
♦ 2-pack VHS hardener, fast-drying LHA 009 050
♦ 2-pack VHS hardener LHA 009 051/LVM 009 051
♦ 2-pack VHS hardener, slow-drying, LHA 009 052
♦ 2-pack VHS hardener, extra slow-drying LHA 009 053
♦ 2-pack VHS Performance hardener LVM 009 038
♦ 2-pack VHS Performance hardener, slow-drying LVM 009 039
♦ 2-pack thinner LVE 009 001
♦ 2-pack special thinner LVM 009 200
♦ 2-pack thinner, slow-drying LVM 009 300
♦ Plastic additive LVM 035 120
Mixing ratios for mixing with special additives can be found in the product mixing table on → WizardWeb and in the respective technical data sheet.
The choice of hardener and thinner should be made depending on the processing temperature and size of the repair area.
2-pack VHS hardener, fast-drying
LHA 009 050Accelerated fast-drying hardener suitable for Clever Repair and single-part repair.
Mainly used at temperatures of 15 to 20°C.2-pack VHS hardener
LHA/LVM 009 051Medium slow-drying hardener suitable for single-part and multi-part repairs.
Excellent curing within a recommended temperature range of 20 to 25°C.2-pack VHS Performance hardener
LVM 009 038Medium slow-drying hardener suitable for single-part and multi-part repairs.
Recommended for temperatures of 20 to 25°C.
For high technical requirements.2-pack VHS Performance hardener, slow-drying
LVM 009 039Slow-drying hardener suitable for the repair of medium to large surfaces.
Recommended for hot climatic conditions of 25 to 40°C.
For high technical requirements.2-pack VHS hardener, slow-drying
009 052Slow- drying hardener suitable for horizontal surfaces and
multi-part repairs or full paint jobs in a temperature range of 20 to
30°C.2-pack VHS hardener, extra slow-drying
LHA 009 053Extra slow-drying hardener suitable for horizontal surfaces as well as multi-part repairs or full paint jobs.
Ensures very good spray mist absorption and processing properties.
Mainly used at temperatures of 25 to 40°C.2-pack HS hardener, extra-fast-drying
009 046Extra fast-drying hardener suitable for Clever Repair and
painting parts. Suitable for air drying at low temperatures of 15 to
20°C.2-pack HS hardener, fast-drying
LHA 021 004Fast-drying hardener suitable for single-part and multi-part repairs.
Mainly used at temperatures of 15 to 25°C.2-pack HS hardener
LHA 009 041Medium slow-drying hardener suitable for single-part and multi-part repairs.
Excellent curing. Mainly used within a temperature range of 20 to 30°C.2-pack HS hardener, slow-drying
LHA 009 047Slow-drying hardener suitable for horizontal surfaces and multi-part repairs or full paint jobs.
Recommended also for higher temperatures of 25 to 35°C.2-pack HS hardener, extra slow-drying
LHA 009 048Extra slow-drying hardener suitable for horizontal surfaces as well as multi-part repairs or full paint jobs.
Ensures very good spray mist absorption and processing properties.
Mainly used at temperatures of 30 to 40°C.2-pack thinner
LVE 009 001Medium slow-drying thinner suitable for horizontal surfaces and part repairs or full paint jobs.
Mainly used at temperatures of 20 to 30°C.Special thinner
LVM 009 200Medium slow-drying thinner suitable for single-part and multi-part and large-area repairs.
Mainly used at temperatures of +15 to 30°C.Thinner, slow-drying
LVM 009 300Slow-drying thinner for multi-part repairs or full paint jobs.
Mainly used at temperatures of +30 to 40 °C.
Observe application viscosity:
♦ ISO 4: 37 to 68 s at 20°C
♦ DIN 4: 16 to 24 s at 20°C
Theoretical coverage
Dry-film thickness (DFT), 30 to 50 μm, wet-on-wet application.
Theoretical coverage: 390 to 420 m2/l at 1 μm dry film thickness.
♦ Due to different hardener properties and different mixing ratios of the ready-to-spray mixture specified in some technical data sheets, the theoretical coverage may vary.
♦ The material consumption in practice depends on various factors, e.g. geometry of the object, surface structure, application method, spray gun setting, input pressure, etc.
Clean the spray gun after use with a suitable solvent-based spray gun cleaner.
2-pack HS Speed surfacer
Guaranteed shelf life is 24 months from date of production.
Can be processed on or before date indicated on label if stored in unopened, original containers at +20°C.
Product description
2-pack HS Speed surfacer LVM 016 100/173/190 allows to increase the number of completed jobs in the workshop.
2- pack HS Speed surfacer significantly optimises the preparation process thanks to its easy application and fast drying. The air-drying behaviour is significantly faster compared to standard air-drying surfacers. The result is a faster working process even without IR drying.
Another advantage is a smooth surface, which ensures excellent painting results.
♦ Simple mixing ratio: 1:1 with Speed surfacer hardener LVM 009 054.
♦ Fast application method with up to 4 spray passes.
♦ Very good durability.
♦ Time and energy saving due to excellent air-drying behaviour. Parts can be sanded after only 20 minutes, depending on the climatic conditions.
♦ Other drying methods can also be used, e.g. forced drying at different temperatures or IR drying.
♦ From repairing minor damage through Clever Repair to partial painting, various jobs can be carried out simultaneously, thanks to air drying.
♦ Smooth surface of the surfacer provides the basis for an excellent paint finish.
♦ Available in white, medium grey and anthracite.
♦ The use of the pre-treatment cloth D 043 100 M5 is mandatory.
Preparing product
♦ Stir thoroughly by hand before placing the container in the mixing unit.
♦ The air humidity has an accelerating effect on the drying properties and pot life.
♦ Do not use wash primer under 2-pack HS Speed surfacer LVM 016 100/173/190.
♦ The use of the pre-treatment cloth D 043 100 M5 is mandatory on bare metal substrates. Failure to do so can be proven in an analysis.
♦ 2-pack HS Speed surfacer should have room temperature between +18°C and +25°C before use.
♦ Can also be applied with a short intermediate flash-off time, to isolate filler repairs.
♦ After 90 minutes of air drying, filler/spray filler can be applied.
♦ Do not pour excess, ready-to-use 2-pack HS Speed surfacer back into the original container.
♦ Early sanding is possible when using premium/flexible sanding discs.
♦ Can be sanded after 20 minutes, depending on humidity, temperature and dry film thickness.
♦ After use, all containers must be tightly closed immediately.
♦ If necessary, up to 5% thinner can be added to the mixed 2-pack HS Speed surfacer for large surfaces.
♦ If 2-pack HS Speed surfacer has been plasticised, this mixture can also be applied to adjacent metal surfaces. The mixture remains VOC-compliant.
♦ Plastification is mandatory for rigid and semi-rigid plastic types.
VOC value
Flash pointabove +23°CVOC content: 2004/42/IIB (c) (540) 540The EU
limit value for this product (product category IIB.c) in ready-to-spray
form is max. 540 g/l of volatile organic compounds. The VOC content of
this product in ready-to-spray form is max. 540 g/l.
Processing method STANDARD SANDING
♦ Cleaned and sanded, galvanised sheet steel or soft aluminium pre-treated with pre-treatment cloth D 043 100 M5.
♦ Old paint or factory paint well sanded and cleaned.
♦ Original factory cathodic dip primer sand and cleaned.
♦ Surfaces prepared with 2-pack polyester products and then finely sanded and cleaned.
– Use suitable cleaning agents for cleaning substrates to make sure that soiling and residue is removed completely.
– Observe mixing ratio:
SurfacerHardenerCatalystVolumeWeightVolumeWeightVolumeWeight110015510%102-pack HS Speed surfacer
LVM 007100/173/1902-pack Speed surfacer hardener
LVM 009 0542-pack HS Speed surfacer catalyst
LVM 016 001
– Observe processing time of 30 minutes – 1 hour at 20°C.
– Adjust spray nozzle and spraying pressure according to manufacturer’s specifications.
Spray nozzleSpraying pressureAtomising pressureCompliant1.4 to 1.61.0 to 1.5 bar HVLP1.4 to 1.6 0.7 bar
– Perform 2 to 4 spray passes until the surface is matt.
– Observe flash-off time after first spray pass.
No flashing-off is required for the subsequent spray passes.
– Observe drying times:
2-pack Speed surfacer hardener
LVM 009 05420°C20 min. to 1 hour40 to 45°C10 min. to 15 min.60 to 65°C5 min. to 10 min.
– Observe drying time for short-wave infrared radiators:
♦ 50% output
♦ 5 to 10 minutes
– Dry-sand using orbital sander, P500 to P600 grit dry sandpaper and dust collector.
– Paint over within 24 hours.
♦ Waterborne base coat and 2-pack HS clear coat
♦ 2-pack HS top coat
♦ Repairs to cleaned and sanded external plastic parts of passenger vehicles. Original factory primer for plastics sanded and cleaned.
♦ Glass-fibre reinforced polyester substrates, free of release agents, sanded and cleaned.
♦ Plastic parts coated with primer LVM 823 000 A2.
– Use suitable cleaning agents for cleaning substrates to make sure that soiling and residue is removed completely.
– Observe mixing ratio:
SurfacerAdditiveHardenerVolumeWeightVolumeWeightVolumeWeight110010%61602-pack HS Speed surfacer
LVM 007100/173/1902-pack plasticiser additive
ALZ 011 0012-pack Speed surfacer hardener
LVM 009 054
– Observe processing time of 30 minutes – 1 hour at 20°C.
– Adjust spray nozzle and spraying pressure according to manufacturer’s specifications.
Spray nozzleSpraying pressureAtomising pressureCompliant1.4 to 1.61 to 1.5 bar HVLP1.4 to 1.6 0.7 bar
– Perform 2 to 3 spray passes until the surface is matt.
– Observe flash-off time after first spray pass.
No flashing-off is required for the subsequent spray passes.
– Observe drying times:
2-pack Speed surfacer hardener
LVM 009 05420°C20 min. to 1 hour40 to 45°C10 min. to 15 min.60 to 65°C5 min. to 10 min.
– Dry-sand using orbital sander, P500 to P600 grit dry sandpaper and dust collector.
– Paint over within 24 hours.
♦ Waterborne base coat and 2-pack HS clear coat
♦ 2-pack HS top coat
Product mix
Mixing ratio
Mixing ratios for mixing with special additives can be found in the product mixing table on → WizardWeb and in the respective technical data sheet.
The choice of hardener and thinner should be made depending on the processing temperature and size of the repair area.
2-pack Speed surfacer hardener
LVM 009 054Special hardener that can only be used with 2-pack HS Speed surfacer LVM 016 ...
It can be used for all types of repairs under all climatic conditions and drying options.2-pack HS Speed surfacer catalyst
LVM 016 001Catalyst can only be used with 2-pack HS Speed surfacer LVM 016...
It accelerates air drying at low humidity and oven drying of the surfacer.Special thinner
LVM 009 200Medium slow-drying thinner suitable for single-part and multi-part and large-area repairs.
Mainly used at temperatures of +15 to 30°C.Thinner, slow-drying
LVM 009 300Slow-drying thinner for multi-part repairs or full paint jobs.
Mainly used at temperatures of +30 to 40 °C.
– Apply with a dry film thickness of 80 to 150 μm.
Theoretical coverage:
♦ 390 m2/l at 1 µm dry film thickness.
♦ Due to different hardener properties and different mixing ratios of the ready-to-spray mixture specified in some technical data sheets, the theoretical coverage may vary.
♦ The material consumption in practice depends on various factors, e.g. geometry of the object, surface structure, application method, spray gun setting, input pressure, etc.
– Clean the spraying equipment after use with a suitable solvent-based cleaner.
The right surfacer for all types of repair
2K HS Premium
surfacer2-pack HS Performance surfacer for highest-quality repair and
body guarantee2-pack HS wet-on-wet surfacer LGF 013 100 A
LGF 013 190 A4
LGF 013 007 A4
LVM 013 171 A4LVM 014 100 A4
LVM 014 173 A4
LVM 014 190 A4LVM 013 008 A4
013 905 A4Wet-in-wet XWet-on-wet for plastic parts X with plastic
additive LVM 035 120 A2Sanding surfacerXXXNormal thickness: 80 to 100
µmXXX 30 to 50 µmMedium thickness: 100 to 150 µmXX Higher thicknesses
200 µm max.X HS hardeners4:1 3:1VHS hardeners7:15:1* 5:1 * with VHS
Performance hardener
● 2-pack plasticiser additive in the surfacer increases corrosion protection.
● After eliminating corrosion, the surfacer must therefore be mixed with 10% of 2-pack plasticiser additive.
● Note the modified hardener mixing ratio.
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